LYCS Architecture Si Chuang Yuan Industrial Park Reaches Ground Level LYCS ArchitectureArchitecture Si Chuang Yuan Technology Manufacturing Industrial Park Under Construction

Construction in Progress at Si Chuang Yuan Industrial Park

Si Chuang Yuan Industrial Park is located in the core area of Zijingang Science and Technology City in Hangzhou Xihu District. In 2023, after repeated demonstrations, the project will carry out urban renewal at the original site, upgrading the flat factory to a "three-dimensional factory" through "industrial upgrading" to adapt to the company's development. The project will promote the intensive and efficient utilization of land.

The overall shape of the project is inspired by an industrial sensibility, and its façade has a bone-dry, rational industrial quality that creates an iconic visual attraction at the urban interface. The glass curtain wall is cut into neat, homogeneous pane units with silver-gray aluminum frames. The modular window wall system with metal diagonal bracing satisfies the structural function while adding a sense of order to the building's texture.

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