LYCS Architecture Design Intelligence Award LYCS Architecture Catable 1.0 is invited to exhibit at the China Smart Building Awards

Catable 1.0 was Invited to Exhibit at the China Smart Award Masterpiece Exhibition

On May 8, 2016, the first China DesignSmart Award Masterpiece Exhibition was opened at the Folk Art Museum of China Academy of Art. LYCS Architecture's work "Catable 1.0" was invited as one of the outstanding works selected by an international jury composed of nearly 60 Chinese and foreign experts in the field of industrial design, and the exhibition will last until July 8.

LYCS Architecture Design Intelligence Award LYCS Architecture Catable 1.0 is invited to exhibit at the China Smart Building Awards

China design intelligence awards (DIA) is an international comprehensive industrial design award organized by china academy of art and co-organized by china industrial design association. Since the award launched its global call for entries, a total of 2,511 design entries were received from 26 countries and regions, with finalists covering many categories such as home appliances, furniture, wearable, and robotics.

LYCS Architecture Design Intelligence Award LYCS Architecture Catable 1.0 is invited to exhibit at the China Smart Building Awards

Anyone who has a cat has had the following experiences: one is that putting a curled up cat down from your lap always seems like a ritualistic and slightly sad goodbye. The second is that when a cat is faced with a hole the size of its head, it will dive in, turn around and run out in the small space, and then dive in again. The design of the cat table tries to combine these two experiences to create a perfect place for human-cat interaction. It is both a practical table and a cat's playground.

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